Slip and fall accidents are normally categorized under the premises liability umbrella. When a premises does not exhibit safe conditions or is not free of hazards, an individual can pursue a lawsuit or claim if they become injured while on the property. The law allows individuals to seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to their slip and fall case.
Most premise liability cases are caused by substances on the ground, such as water or food. Someone can also slip and fall on an uneven surface or loose rug. These types of accidents can happen anywhere, public or private. For instance, if someone goes shopping at a retail store and slips and falls over a product they did not see on the floor, they could potentially have a slip and fall case. A slip and fall can happen at a restaurant, grocery store, apartment complex, parking lot, sidewalk, or gas station. However, it is worth noting that not all slip and fall accidents result in viable cases. It is important to seek the advice of a qualified slip and fall attorney for a detailed assessment to verify whether you have a slip and fall case worth pursuing.
At the Law Office of Sharon L. Silver, we have represented numerous slip and fall clients. We can counsel you on the appropriate measures to take. We have represented clients suffering from fractured bones and injuries to the head, back, hip, legs, arms, and shoulders. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a slip and fall, our firm can help you seek suitable compensation for your damages. If there is liability, we will establish it and seek recompense on your behalf. Contact us today to schedule a personalized consultation.
What Are Some Common Causes Of Slip And Fall Or Trip And Fall Injuries In NY?
In our experience with slip and falls, the culprit is usually a foreign substance spilled on a walking surface (often in grocery and retail stores), or defects/other tripping hazardsewa in the sidewalk, on the road, or on walkways/flights of stairs. However, there are many different things that can cause a slip and fall accident… Read more
What Does New York Law Say About Suing My Employer For A Slip-And-Fall Incident Or Another Accident That Led To Injury?
Whether you can sue your employer for an injury will depend on where the accident or incident occurred. If an incident occurs off of the employer’s premises, that will not be the employer’s problem. If, on the other hand, an employee slips and fall on their employer’s premises, their case would default to a workers’ compensation claim… Read more

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